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What to see

The best way for discovering the many facets of Turin is..

is to go on a tour of the city's historical centre taking in the museums and foundations that reconstruct its history and reveal its artistic and cultural treasures. This includes Europe's largest collection of archaeological finds at the Museo Egizio, or the more recent history of the 'seventh art' brilliantly presented at the National Museum of Cinema, the exceptional treasure of ancient art held in Palazzo Madama, and then of course, Palazzo Reale, the powerhouse behind Italy's very first capital.
Turin is also a vital point of reference for contemporary art: works and installations produced over the last thirty years by internationally famous artists are placed for all to see in the open air or on display at the country's most important Museum of Contemporary Art within the 17th century Castle of Rivoli.

The mainly baroque art of the many places of worship in the town's centre blends with the spirituality to be found therein: the Sanctuary of the Consolata and the Sanctuary of Maria Ausiliatrice are a couple of Turin's best loved churches. Other places that are a must are the Duomo where there will be held the Ostension of the Holy Shroud in the spring, the twin churches in Piazza San Carlo, and the Church of San Lorenzo with its famous dome by Guarini or the Basilica of Superga which, as well as holding the tombs of the Savoy family, also offers a breathtaking view of the city and mountains. Lastly, just a stone's throw from the city centre, palaces, castles and fortresses dominate the hills, plains and mountains of the province of Turin. These are of inestimable value and some of the most outstanding are the Royal Residences, a legacy of exceptional cultural and environmental interest, leading to their denomination as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.


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