Taxi Click
A free and Easy to use application to call a taxi. You also have the possibility to, see wich kind of car, is going to come and pick you up.
Downloadable for android and i phone.

is a quick way tofind help and get rescued.
With just one touch, you cancall the Italian emergency number 118, the police or the emergency number of the country you are in and automatically send the datauseful to get reached.
It's the “must have”app for your safety: it helps you in isolated locations and also in case you would feel so bad as to be unable to clearly ask for help.
- direct connection with the rescuers' instrumentation
- direct call to 118 and other emergency numbers
- smart pinpoint of the caller's location
- offline availability

AppTripper is a community that encourages the exchange of emotions searching for new friends, inventing new profiles of experience in the Italian and European cites, and taking the orientation of those who travel and want to know places of historic and artistic interest, making system a lot of artistic sites (Italy and Europe) , with its in-depth information.
AppTripper is a social app generated specially for urban experience and life mobility.
AppTripper is a application (android-ios-windows) for all mobile platforms, which makes the experience of the user at the center of a network. The user becomes the real search engine through which information and knowledge of museums, foundations or public spaces, which exhibits art and culture, is facilitated and accelerated . The art works and the artistic built heritage became the true emotional map of a city.

Torino Tour for All (ToTo)
is a touristic and cultural itinerary designed to be accessible to all via the mobile app.
The project is promoted by the Fondazione Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino.
The itinerary is representative of the historical, architectural, social and daily life in Turin and it is designed to encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities in touristic activities and therefore to be independently used by persons with special needs and people with mobility and perceptive impairments. It was developed involving users with different disabilities, in a co-design process according to the Living Lab methodology. Download the app ToTo to have on hand accessibility information and active support during your visit.