The new exhibition
Era come andare sulla Luna. K2 1954, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the historic Italian expedition to K2, tells the story of the feat from an unprecedented point of view, highlighting the contribution of Italian industry, which in just a few months, succeeded in developing innovative materials, tested by the expedition mountaineers and which became fundamental in the evolution of mountaineering.
The exhibition juxtaposes material from the collections and archives of the Museomontagna and the manufacturers themselves, with documents from other institutions and private collections: e
quipment and clothing, photographs, newspapers, advertisements and radio and television recordings of the time.
MUSEO NAZIONALE DELLA MONTAGNAPiazzale Monte dei Cappuccini, 7, 10131 -
TorinoTelephone: +39 0116604104
Fax: +39 0116604622