Event marking the finale of “Dance Beyond Barriers 3.0,” offering the audience an exploration of movement and emotions through three separate works. A trio from Compagnia Naturalis Labor revisits Claude Debussy’s Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune, accompanying the audience into an ethereal dream in the relationship between the Faun and the Nymphs. Gone Flowers, a male duo by Balletto Teatro di Torino in which the two performers bond like strands of DNA: we will go on a journey into the beauty of the contradictory nature of their physicalities. Finally, the evening culminates with a preview of EgriBiancoDanza’s new creation, which promises to bring an innovative vision to the stage, closing the show with an explosion of creativity and contemporary art.
Corso Giulio Cesare, 338/50d -
TorinoTelephone: +39 3664308040