After twelve years of absence, the show that continues to enchant millions of spectators of all nationalities, genders and ages like no other show in the world is back in Turin and at the Teatro Colosseo. Imaginative, lyrical, ironic, universal and timeless, here and there tinged with melancholy, it is the show with the most beautiful and famous numbers from the repertoire of Slava, the Russian clown inspired by, among others, Marcel Marceau, Charlie Chaplin and our Totò. An incredible and unexpected evening, which fascinates the little ones and restores the wonder of childhood to adults. Hailed by the international press as a unique event
TEATRO COLOSSEOVia Madama Cristina, 71, 10125 -
TorinoTelephone: +39 0116698034
Fax: +39 011658919