will give you a foretaste of the pleasure of sport in the valleys of the Petit Ski Resorts. Watched over by the 4,061 m elevation of the Gran Paradiso mountain in the midst of the Gran Paradiso National Park, between the
Orco Valley and
Soana Valley, there is the Sciare in Paradiso ski area – with Ceresole Reale, Locana - Alpe Cialma, Alpette and Valprato Soana - Piamprato – which is the favourite spot for fans of cross-country skiing and snowshoe trekking.
From the south-west,
Chisone Valley and
Germanasca Valley are the ways into the nature parks Orsiera Rocciavrè, in the Val Troncea and the Gran Bosco di Salbertand: the central point is Prali, in the Upper Germanasca Valley.
From Turin it is easy to reach the
Susa and
Sangone Valley, whose most famous resort are Chiomonte - Pian del Frais and Coazze - Pian Neiretto, and -more northerly-
Lanzo Valleys with the towns of Usseglio, Viù - Colle del Lys, Ala di Stura, Balme, Chialamberto and Groscavallo which provide every type of winter sport, occasions for relaxation and excellent local cuisine.