MaAM (Open-air museum of modern Olivetti architecture), always available for viewing, it can be toured independently along a
2km route that runs along Via Jervis and in the adjacent areas.
Here there are Olivett’s most representative buildings: buildings for production, research and social services and residential buildings that form the most recognisable core of this architectural heritage.
Seven information points have been installed along the pedestrian connecting paths to illustrate Olivetti’s commitment to the fields of architecture, urban planning, industrial design and commercial art, and the cultural contexts in which they occurred:
1. Olivetti and Ivrea
2. The Community and its social policies: the community project for integrating industrial production with social services
3. The organisation of production: locations, services and places of research
4. The industrial project through the Olivetti factories in Italy and the world
5. Territorial planning: the relationship of architecture, industry and territory in terms of urban planning and social development
6. The product and its image
7. The home in the construction of the Canavese landscape
Next to the theme stations have been identified and circumscribed some “views” or details that relate the architecture observed to some possible interpretations.
Still in the MaAM area there is the 15th century complex of
San Bernardino.
Via Jervis - 10015
IvreaTelephone: +39 0125634155-0125410512