Located on the slopes of Mount Musinè,
Primavalle is one of the most biodiverse areas in Piedmont.
It includes
Mount Musinè, the
Caselette Lakes,
Lake Borgarino and the surrounding areas. The Musinè, with its
xerothermic climate, is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna species that are otherwise very rare in our region.
Contrary to the middle part of the mountain, the slopes are covered by a luxuriant and varied vegetation, which also includes the
Upper and
Lower Lakes of Caselette.
The geology of the area is particularly interesting. Mount Musinè is mainly made up of peridotite and serpentinite, very ancient rocks formed in the earth’s mantle, rich in iron, which is why the Musinè and its soils appear reddish-brown in the most altered areas, a condition that allows the growth of specialised plants adapted to living with high concentrations of iron and heavy metals, such as Alyssum argenteum.
Strada Romana - 10040
CaseletteTelephone: +39 3420601365