The Annunziata chapel is located about one km from the town of Salbertrand, in the Oulme hamlet. Part of the itinerary route of the visit to the Colombano Romean Ecomuseum since 2007, it has been recently restored. It has a monumental San Cristoforo and the Annunciation (1533) on the outside, while inside the entire apse area houses a rare pictorial cycle entirely dedicated to scenes from the life of the Virgin, dated 1534.
The stories of Mary’s life unfold in fifteen frames arranged on four overlapping registers. The entire pictorial cycle was assigned by critics to an anonymous fresco artist, identifiable with the author of the pictorial cycle of San Sebastiano in Plampinet, also active in the chapels of N.D. du Coignet and the blessed Andrea and Giacomo of Horres (Bardonecchia).
SalbertrandTelephone: +39 0122854720
Fax: +39 0122854421