Externally, on the facade, there is an Annunciation, a large Saint Christopher and a saint identified as Saint Anthony the Abbot or as Saint Jerome, assigned by the critics to an anonymous fresco artist active around the third decade of the sixteenth century at the chapel of Horres in Millaures and at that of S. Sebastiano in Plampinet.
The internal frescoes were, instead, made in 1496, on commission by a certain Jean Guy, by a painter probably linked to the atelier of the Pinerolesi Serra, but gifted with an independent personality, also active in the chapel of Sant’Andrea of Ramats in Chiomonte and in the parish church of Rochemolles. The scenes on the wall of the apse, depicting the Pietà, the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth and San Grato, as well as the scene of the martyrdom of Saint Agatha placed on the west wall are attributed to this fresco artist. He was flanked by a more modest helper who, in the coeval period with respect to his activity, created the scenes dedicated to the Life of the Virgin placed on the west and east walls and the figure of Christ of Pain located in the splay of the window.
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