Outside, the facade, protected by a large wooden structure that protrudes outwards, presents a fragmented Last Judgment, made with a preparation similar to that of the analogous iconographic theme present in Jouvenceaux, attributed to the so-called Maestro of Savoulx, painter linked to the environment of the Serra from Pinerolo active in the parishes of Savoulx and Rochemolles in the early decades of the sixteenth century.
On the south wall, the interior presents the depictions of the Annunciation, Saint Christopher and Saint Sebastian, made in 1475 on commission by Matheus André and attributed to the hand of Bartolomeo and Sebastiano Serra. The back wall, separated from the prayer room by a wooden railing, houses the main iconographic theme: the scenes from the life of Pope Saint Sisto II. Distributed over several registers, the scenes were created between the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth century and depict the life and martyrdom of the pope, which took place under the Valerian empire.
Finally, on the northern wall there is a Crucifixion dated 1546. It should be noted that at the center of the altar, in correspondence to a decoration that simulates a precious brocade fabric, the altarpiece of San Sisto was originally placed, the work of an anonymous sculptor known as the Maestro of the Madonna of Savoulx, made around the 1470/80 and now kept in the Museum of Alpine Religious Art in Melezet.
MELEZET - 10052
BardonecchiaTelephone: +39 0122622640