The abbey, together with the annexed 15th century Ospedale della Precettoria (Hospital), is located along the Via Francigena route. It is a typical example of French Gothic influence and houses an important cycle of 15th century paintings by Giacomo Jaquerio.
Preceptories were structures that in the
Middle Ages were run by religious, with a Preceptor at the head, usually consisting of a church with a cloister and rooms for the monks, and facilities for various uses. Around them there was often a farm that ensured the living of the occupants.
Of the original nucleus of the
Precettoria di Sant’Antonio di Ranverso, the church with its late-medieval bell tower and the ancient convent connected perpendicularly to the hill reliefs are still visible today. The ’chiostrino’, a small garden in which three arched bays reopened and restored by D’Andrade are visible.
Next to the church is the Ospedaletto, where the sick were originally cared for, later converted into a farmstead and of which the ancient entrance portal remains visible. Inside the complex is the cascina Bassa, separated from the farmsteads known as ’di levante’ and ’di mezzo’ by the containment walls of the Rivoli bealera. At present, the rural and convent parts are closed to the public due to problems with the static nature of the buildings.
Località Sant'Antonio di Ranverso - 10090
Buttigliera AltaTelephone: +39 0116200603